It all started in 2007 in Delft. Wissam was living the typical student life, and moved to Delft in 2006 where Zoë had already lived for 14 years. Working in the café restaurant Vlaanderen, Wissam met Zoë there as that was where she had lunch every Tuesday with her friend. Only after 6 months Wissam had the courage to say something else than "What would you like to order?" (even though he already knew that it would be a chicken sandwich and a Fristi). Admittedly, the fact that he was drunk in the club helped a bit. Even though Zoë never talked to random guys, she felt she had to give him a chance. The fact that everybody she knew was watching how this drunk idiot was trying to kiss her just made the night more comical.
Finally, all Wissam was able to manage was Zoë's phone number. But the next evening they went for their first date, they went bowling!

After 8 years, in 2015, and in pretty much the only romantic move Wissam ever used, Zoë was asked to become a fiancee. She joined Wissam on a business trip to Indonesia, with a surprise waiting for her in Bali where they had planned a few days of vacation.
Waking up on the 30th of April Wissam asked Zoë to come watch the sunrise with him. Even though the sun was already risen, Zoë was tired enough to accept all the lame excuses Wissam made to get her out of bed. Coming up to the Kubu Beach of the Ayana resort, the question was written in the sand big enough to see from the cliff where they were standing. Wissam couldn't even pop the question, as Zoë already jumped him ecstatically showing how happy she was the day finally came!
Then, Christmas 2017 brought a nice surprise for Wissam and Zoë.
They found out Zoë is expecting a little addition to the family!